What the Fonz Can Teach Us about ResilienceJanuary 16, 2025So many creatives work in their careers to build to the success they dream of, but what if you had…
How to Succeed as a Writer: Make a Concrete PlanJanuary 9, 2025Take some time to think what you want out of your writing and writing career—not what you hope it may…
Looking Back to Plan AheadJanuary 2, 2025To create meaningful, actionable plans for our writing careers, we have to consider both aspects of successful “resolutions”: past/present and…
Celebrate Your Embarrassing PastDecember 26, 2024It’s so easy to look back at our earlier writing efforts and find nothing but the faults in it. But…
Holiday Un-gift Guide (and the Best Nonwriting Books for Writers)December 12, 2024At this time of year many of us still want to show some of our nearest and dearest our love…
The Storyteller’s Holiday Survival GuideNovember 28, 2024The illusory standard of perfect harmony and togetherness can be so much of what might make the holiday feel stressful.…
Dealing with the Don’t-KnowOctober 31, 2024All of us who are pursuing a writing career have chosen a field rife with uncertainty. We don’t know whether…
Why Do You Create?October 24, 2024We go into a field where odds of success are phenomenally slim, and yet hope abides. We keep coming back…
My New Book Releases Today!October 15, 2024This week’s blog post is a couple of days early, because I wanted to share book release day with you. My…
Recovering from the Storm—Adapt and Carry OnOctober 3, 2024If you’d like to receive my blog in your in-box each week, click here. The pictures, videos, and reports coming out…